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But she got tired of my 'art-jargon, as she called it and she couldn't bear the idea of having to rough it a bit before I could hope to make any large amount of money. Then I was disappointed and I told her so and SHE was disappointed, and she told ME so and we quarrelled but when I heard a child was to be born, I urged her again to marry me " "And she refused?" interposed Blythe. "She refused.

How splendid our alderman is! Never did a corporation produce so fine a flower. He is sententious, he is artistic. And how he lets fall from his thick lips those scraps of art-jargon which he picked up in the studio where he sat for his portrait!

The MacGregor boys learned how to play poker-patience; after all, they could afford to. "That woman's art-jargon tires me," said Clovis to his journalist friend. "She's so fond of talking of certain pictures as 'growing on one, as though they were a sort of fungus." "That reminds me," said the journalist, "of the story of Henri Deplis. Have I ever told it you?" Clovis shook his head.

Gimble, fluently laudatory, with the whole alphabet of Art-Jargon at his fingers' ends, and without the slightest comprehension of the subject to embarrass him in his flow of language. Also, certain respectable families who tried vainly to understand the pictures, opposed by other respectable families who never tried at all, but confined themselves exclusively to the Dowager Countess.