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Bhima also, mangling the Abhishahas, the Surasenas, and other Kshatriyas difficult to defeat in battle, made the earth miry with blood. Forcibly struck with swiftly-coursing shafts, elephants began to fall down on the earth like double-crested hills. Strewn with the lopped-off trunks of elephants that still moved in convulsions, the earth seemed as if covered with moving snakes.

The Abhishahas, the Surasenas, the Sivis, the Vasatis, the Mavellakas, the Lilithyas, the Kaikeyas, the Madrakas, the Narayana Gopalas, and the various tribes of the Kamvojas who had before been vanquished by Karna, all of whom were regarded as very brave, placing Bharadwaja's son at their head, and becoming regardless of their lives, rushed towards Arjuna, for resisting that angry hero, burning with grief on account of the death of his son, that warrior resembling all-destroying Death himself, clad in mail, conversant with all modes of warfare, prepared to throw away his life in thick of battle, that mighty bowman of great prowess, that tiger among men, who resembled an infuriate leader of elephantine herd, and who seemed ready to devour the whole hostile army.

The Abhishahas, clad in mail, capable of smiting effectually, and fierce in battle, also the Sivis, those foremost of car-warriors, with the Kalingas, have all been slain. Many thousands of Srenis, as also the samsaptakas, approaching Arjuna, have all repaired to the abode of Yama.

Then all the troops of thy son fled away, beholding Srutayudha, and Sudakshina the prince of the Kamvojas, slain." "Sanjaya said, 'Upon the fall of Sudakshina and of the heroic Srutayudha, O monarch, thy warriors, filled with wrath, rushed with speed at Partha. The Abhishahas, the Surasenas, the Sivis, the Vasatis began, O king, to scatter their arrowy showers on Dhananjaya.

The Abhishahas, the Surasenas, the Sivis, and the Vasatis, the Salyas, the Matsyas, the Amvashtas, the Trigartas, and the Kekayas, the Sauviras, the Kitavas, and the dwellers of the Eastern, Western, and the Northern countries, these twelve brave races were resolved to fight reckless of their lives. And these protected the grandsire with a multitudinous array of cars.

Alas, king Jayadratha hath been slain, and Somadatta's son also of great energy, and the Abhishahas, the Surasenas, the Sivis, and the Vasatis! I shall go thither today whither those bulls among men, slain, while engaged in battle for my sake, by Arjuna, have gone. In the absence of those bulls among men, I have no need for life.

Beholding those heroes slain many great kings began to waver. Indeed, with his shafts, Yudhishthira began to despatch to the regions of Yama the Amvashthas, the Malavas, the brave Trigartas and the Sivis. And cutting off the Abhishahas, the Surasenas, the Valhikas, and the Vasatis, he caused the earth to be miry with flesh and blood.

Each of those two, however, pierced Drona, that bull among Brahmanas, in return, with three straight shafts. The Sauviras, the Kitavas, the Easterners, the Westerners, the Northerners, the Malavas, the Abhishahas, the Surasenas, the Sivis, and the Vasatis, did not avoid Bhishma in battle although they were incessantly slaughtered by him with sharp shafts.