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'In wittnes wherof, I the said John Bunyan have herevnto set my hand and seall this 23d day of December, in the first year of the reigne of our soueraigne lord, King James the Second of England, &c., in the year of our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, 1685. John Bunyan Sealed and delivered in the presence of vs, whos names are here vnder written: John Bardolph. Willm Hawkes. Nicholas Malin.

I am, Sr. your most obedient & most humble Servant, Rt. Honble. Mr. Pitt, Paymaster-General. Mr. Fox to Mr. Pitt directing the Half Pay of Lieut. Willm. Henry Cranstoun to be Stopt. Ent. No. 1 W.P. Fo. 11. I. Cranstoun's Own Version of the Facts. Let us now return to Capt.

Attracting no little attention from the group of loiterers around the market-cross, they passed the White-Lion Inn, and, turning into Henley Street, soon drew their bridles before a goodly cottage built of heavy timbers and standing with one of its peaked gables to the street. On the door was a shingle upon which was painted, Willm. Shakspere, Attornei at Lawe and Solicitor in Chancere.

"The condition of this obligation is suche, that if hereafter there shall not appere any lawfull lett or impediment, by reason of any precontract, &c., but that Willm. And, moreover, if the said Willm. What are we to think of this document? Trepidation and anxiety are written upon its face.

Willm Washington & his Wife and 4 Children." His will left bequests to forty-one of his own and his wife's relations. "God left him childless that he might be the father of his country."