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To 'suck and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolation. Oh! what is a promise to a carnal man? A whore-house, it may be, is more sweet to him; but if you be born again, you cannot live without the milk of God's Word. What is a woman's breast to a horse? But what is it to a child? there is its comfort night and day, there is its succour night and day.

Young Badman was for neglecting of his master's business, for going to the whore-house, for beguiling of his master, for attempting to debauch his daughters, and the like. No marvel then if they disagreed in these points.

"Habinnas, you were there, I think, I'll leave it to you; didn't he say 'You took your wife out of a whore-house'? you're as lucky in your friends, too, no one ever repays your favor with another, you own broad estates, you nourish a viper under your wing, and why shouldn't I tell it I still have thirty years, four months, and two days to live! I'll also come into another bequest shortly.

I have heard him say that there is no God; I have heard him say that there is no world to come, no sin, nor punishment hereafter, and, moreover, I have heard him say that it was as good to go to a whore-house as to go to hear a sermon. Clerk. Where did you hear him say these things? Hate. In Drunkard's Row, just at Rascal-Lane's End, at a house in which Mr. Impiety lived. Clerk.