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Sara Teasdale her poems of love her youth her finished art Fannie Stearns Davis her thoughtful verse Theodosia Garrison her war poem war poetry of Mary Carolyn Davies Harriet Monroe her services her original work Alice Corbin her philosophy Sarah Cleghorn poet of the country village Jessie B. Rittenhouse critic and poet Margaret Widdemer poet of the factories Carl Sandburg poet of Chicago his career his defects J. C. Underwood poet of city noises T. S. Eliot J. G. Neihardt love poems C. W. Stork Contemporary Verse M. L. Fisher The Sonnet S. Middleton J. P. Bishop W. A. Bradley nature poems W. Griffith City Pastorals John Erskine W. E. Leonard W. T. Whitsett Helen Hay Whitney Corinne Roosevelt Robinson M. Nicholson his left hand Witter Bynner a country poet H. Hagedorn Percy Mackaye his theories his possibilities J. G. Fletcher monotony of free verse Conrad Aiken his gift of melody W. A. Percy the best American poem of 1917 Alan Seeger an Elizabethan an inspired poet.

J. J. Platt, forbade my attempting to do anything in the premises, but Jim’s body was taken in charge in my behalf by Chief of Police O’Connor, and borne to Lee’s Summit, Mo., our old Jackson county home, where it was laid to rest. The pallbearers were G. W. Wigginton, O. H. Lewis, H. H. McDowell, Sim Whitsett, William Gregg and William Lewis, all old neighbors or comrades during the war.

His wine of Cyprus has both body and bouquet. Three professional teachers of youth who write poetry as an avocation are John Erskine, professor at Columbia, whose poems bear the impress of an original and powerful personality, William Ellery Leonard, professor in the University of Wisconsin, the author of a number of volumes of poems, some of which show originality in conception and style, and William Thornton Whitsett, of Whitsett Institute, Whitsett, North Carolina, whose book Saber and Song , exhibits such variations in merit that if one read only a few pages one might be completely deceived as to the author's actual ability.