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What are our great political societies but mere political inquisitions our pot-house committees but little tribunals of denunciation our newspapers but mere whipping-posts and pillories, where unfortunate individuals are pelted with rotten eggs and our council of appointment but a grand auto-da-fe, where culprits are annually sacrificed for their political heresies?

In 1864-5 I visited large schools in slave- pens that had become useless for the purposes for which they were designed. The stumps of their whipping-posts and the place of the dreaded auction block was vacated. Although many of their public schools are not all that could be desired, yet they have them, and they are doing a good work.

'Pull down the nests and the craws will fly away. No more cells for lads from the ploughtail and the heather. No more bloody whipping-posts, where one or two are killed out of every draft to put the fear of death into the others! All gone up in yon puff of smoke!" Then he subsided into silence and his hard features relaxed as his mind fell upon other thoughts.

I did not intend to comment so long upon the whipping-posts in the state of Delaware. "The pillory next claims our attention. The prisoner is compelled to stand on his toes for an hour with his neck and arms in the holes, and if he sinks from exhaustion, as it sometimes happens, the neck is instantly broken.