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Young girls are skeery critters" he brushed his sleeve over his broad, hard jaws, and filled a pipe "specially when it's in the blood of 'em. Squire Rick Voisey werr a dandy; an' Mistress Voisey well, she werr a nice lady tu, but" rolling the stem of his pipe from corner to corner of his mouth "she werr a pra-aper vixen."

And not one of th' old stock to take it when 'e's garn.... Ah! it werr cruel; my old woman's never been hersel' since. Tell 'ee what 'tis don't du t' think to much." I went out of my way to pass the churchyard. There were flowers, quite fresh, chrysanthemums, and asters; above them the white stone, already stained: "PASIANCE "'The Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken away."

Not at all dreaded by the natives; venomous, but not deadly, the bite merely producing a bad ulcer for a day or two. ELAPS MELANOCEPHALUS. Native name WERR. Dirty olive green on the back, from the neck to the tail; scuta 147, dirty reddish orange; head black from the nose to neck; sides of the head white; tongue forked. Doubtful if poisonous; little dreaded by the natives.

'One Devon man, he says to me, 'don' lave anotherr. We werr six days where we shuld ha' been tu; when we got back to the ship a cruiser had got her for gun-runnin'." "And what has become of Captain Pearse?" Prawle answered, "Zurr, I belave 'e went to China, 'tis onsartin." "He's not dead?" Prawle looked at me with a kind of uneasy anger. "Yu cudden' kell 'en! 'Tis true, mun 'll die zome day.