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Captain Bradley, the men on watch, and several other officers in their quarters or in the wardrooms space-hardened veterans all had obeyed instantly and without question the amplifiers' gasped command to "get tight."

Its war was being carried on over the land, over the water, under the water, up in the air, and even under the ground. And many young men in it, mostly in wardrooms and mess-rooms, used to say to each other pardon the unparliamentary word they used to say, 'It's a damned bad war, but it's better than no war at all. Sounds flippant, doesn't it."

Another favourite word, I remember, from our own wardrooms. Here it was applied in the large. No experimental ships there, no freak variations of type, but each successive type as a unit of action. Homogeneous, yes remorselessly homogeneous. The British do not simply build some ships; they build a navy.

The fairy led them up the staircase and through the royal apartments, which consisted of drawing-rooms, dining-rooms, bedrooms, and dressing-rooms, where the looking-glasses reached from floor to ceiling and the wardrooms were filled with magnificent dresses.

He was in fact a typical, healthy-looking Britisher, very much like any other man of his class whom one would meet in the mess-room of the British army, in the wardrooms of the fleet, or in the far-off posts of the Empire, where the administrative cogs of the great machine are to be seen at work.