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Now, your ma's in glory, and you is the richest belle in the State; and my poor young mistiss is in the worst puggatory, the one that comes before death; and her child, her daughter that oughter be living in style at 'Elm Bluff', like you are here, where is she? Where is she? Flung down among vilyans and mallyfactors, and the very off-scourings of creation, in the penitenchery!

O'Brien sat still and refused to move. Whereupon, Patty jumped down and ran into the kitchen. "Susan," she cried, "here's the cook! Come out and make her behave herself!" Susan followed Patty out, and saw the new arrival. "Is it yersilf, Ann O'Brien?" she cried, joyfully. "Come on in, now." "I'll not come! These vilyans kidnapped me, and I'll cook no dinner fer the likes o' thim!"

They kept their eyes pointed sthraight ahead, I'll say that f'r thim. They're murdherin' vilyans; but they're Irish, iv a sort.

"They tumbled away through the dure, crossin' each other like threes ye'd cut down, lavin' the landlord, struck all iv a heap, the mug on him white as a new twelve-pinny, staggerin' on his two shin-bones, an' thrimblin' an' shiverin' wid fright, till ye'd think he'd shake the teeth out iv his head. "The murdherin' vilyans want shtandin' up to, an' they'll rispict ye. I had no further trouble.