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When the Lutheran Reformation proved successful, those rights which formerly had been invested in the Papacy were taken over by the many European sovereigns who became Protestants. As head of their own national or dynastic churches they insisted upon being "Christ's Vice-Regents" within the limit of their own territory. The people did not question the right of their rulers to take such a step.

Words they were of blood and fire, that spread, that filled the banquet-hall. Words of old, I read them "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSHIN! Weighed in the Balance you are, ye Leaders respected of men, You Statesmen, Lawmakers, Judges, Captains, Bishops, vice-regents of God! Weighed and tried and found wanting. Give way, now, to what shall come after!

These are the elect, whom the Imam makes Naibs or vice-regents, invested with nearly absolute power in his absence. The fourth, or highest, implying entire union with the Divine essence, is held by Schamyl alone.

Nor must we forget the popes with their spurious claims of being Christ's vice-regents on earth and their attempt to exercise temporal power. Behind their claim there stands the same dark shadow. Satan's Final Opposition When this age ends Satan will make a final effort in opposing God. He will be permitted to succeed for a brief time and do what is in his heart to do.