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Maumbry spoke formally to him, adding as he resumed his labour, 'I thought the -st Foot had gone to Bristol. 'We have. But I have run down again for a few things. The two newcomers began to assist, Vannicock placing on the ground the small bag containing Laura's toilet articles that he had been carrying.

The barrowman soon returned with another load, and all continued work for nearly a half-hour, when a coachman came out from the shadows to the north. 'Beg pardon, sir, he whispered to Vannicock, 'but I've waited so long on Mellstock hill that at last I drove down to the turnpike; and seeing the light here, I ran on to find out what had happened.

After a week of hesitation she agreed to leave her home at Creston and meet Vannicock on the ridge hard by, and to accompany him to Bath, where he had secured lodgings for her, so that she would be only about a dozen miles from his quarters. Accordingly, on the evening chosen, she laid on her dressing-table a note for her husband, running thus:

One was the note from herself to Maumbry, informing him that she was unable to endure life with him any longer and was about to elope with Vannicock. Having read the letter she took it upstairs to where the dead man was, and slipped it into his coffin. The next day she buried him. She was now free. She shut up his house at Durnover Cross and returned to her lodgings at Creston.