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At first, Borckman's automatic jammed, and he received a caution from Van Horn for his carelessness in not keeping it clean and thin-oiled. Also, Borckman was twittingly asked how many drinks he had taken, and if that was what accounted for his shooting being under his average.

Then my man's logic, as Margaret twittingly called it, came to my aid. Gloomy as it was, I saw the outlines of some steps by which the low wall could be crossed, and ghosts, both my authorities being in agreement on this, were independent of such purely human contrivances. So, waiting till the ghost was climbing down on my side, I said sternly, "Stop, or I fire!"

Before long everybody began to notice how eager Joe was in his search. "What are you going to do with all your posies?" queried Will, twittingly. "They must be for Frances," declared Elsie. "Maybe he is going to give them to Aunt Anna Grey," ventured Teresa. "Perhaps to mother," hazarded Ellen. "Yes: some for mother," admitted Joe; "and the others for don't you wish you knew!"

The attitude of this mincing fribble, as he danced twittingly away, was the first intimation Mauville had received that he would soon be relegated to the ranks of gay adventurers thronging the city. He who had watched his estates vanish with an unruffled countenance now became disconcerted over the width of his trousers and the shape of his hat.