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Ah! the way that Incubu cut his men down in the battle! Ah! for the sight of that stroke with which he swept off my brother Twala's head! It was beautiful beautiful! I may never hope to see such another, except perchance in happy dreams."

With a supreme effort Twala swung the Englishman clean off his feet, and down they came together, rolling over and over on the lime paving, Twala striking out at Curtis' head with the battle-axe, and Sir Henry trying to drive the tolla he had drawn from his belt through Twala's armour. It was a mighty struggle, and an awful thing to see.

Taken on both flanks, and dismayed at the awful slaughter inflicted upon them by the Greys and Buffaloes, Twala's regiments broke into flight, and soon the whole plain between us and Loo was scattered with groups of running soldiers making good their retreat.

Then I recommended that the attack should be delivered at once, "before our wounds grew stiff," and also before the sight of Twala's overpowering force caused the hearts of our soldiers "to wax small like fat before a fire." Otherwise, I pointed out, some of the captains might change their minds, and, making peace with Twala, desert to him, or even betray us into his hands.

"The story is surely true, Ignosi, for on the mountains we found the white man," I said. "Yes, we found him. And now I have promised you that if ye can come to that chamber, and the stones are there " "The gem upon thy forehead proves that they are there," I put in, pointing to the great diamond I had taken from Twala's dead brows.