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Dining in public. The Duke of Tuscany's supper to the king. Entertainment of guests by mountebanks. Gaming at court. Lady Castlemaine's losses. A fatal duel. Dress of the period. Riding-habits first seen. His majesty invents a national costume. Introduction of the penny post. Divorce suits are known. Society of Antiquaries. Lord Worcester's inventions. The Duchess of Newcastle.

The idea was worthy of respect because it pointed to unity; but in view of the existing situation, Tuscany's solitary adhesion would hardly have helped the nation, while it was accompanied by serious risks to the state.

He saw that it was time to be gone; and Dame Caterina and her dear daughters were the only people he felt any pain in parting from. Remembering the Duke of Tuscany's repeated invitations, he went to Florence; and there his mortification was richly compensated for, and the annoyances of tome lost sight of in the honour and fame so richly merited which were bestowed upon him in fullest measure.

It was at this critical juncture that Baron Bettino Ricasoli began his year of autocracy. His programme was: neither fusions nor annexations, but union of the Italian peoples under the constitutional sceptre of Victor Emmanuel. It was Tuscany's business, he said, to make the new kingdom of Italy. He looked upon himself as providentially appointed to carry that business into effect.