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Having been according to Miss Trim's report a very good boy and remarkably diligent at his lessons, he has been granted a holiday and permission to go a-hunting with his red father. He is tired after the day's hunt, and reclines placidly awaiting supper, which Meekeye with downcast look prepares. "You find it rather difficult to understand," said Sinclair, with a pleasant smile.

And we get a foretaste of the familiar Shandian impertinence in the remark which follows, that "there are many good similes subsisting in the world, but which I have neither time to recollect nor look for," which would give you an idea of the parson's astonishment at Trim's impudence.

The more he considered it, the more bewitching the scene appeared to him; so that, two full hours before day-light, he had come to a final determination and had concerted the whole plan of his and Corporal Trim's decampment.

Corporal Trim's eyes and the muscles of his face were in full harmony with the other parts of him; he looked frank, unconstrained, something assured, but not bordering upon assurance. Let not the critic ask how Corporal Trim could come by all this. I've told him it should be explained; but so he stood before my father, my uncle Toby, and Dr.