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He took a great and zealous interest in instructing me in counterpoint, so that I soon came to write the most ingenious toccatas and fugues. Before my uncle could throw off his dressing-gown it was of a large flower pattern and don his coat and vest, his visitors were already in the room.

It is known that Luzzasco Luzzaschi, pupil of Cyprian di Rore, master of Frescobaldi, and composer of madrigals and organ toccatas, wrote the chorals in madrigal style for Guarini's famous "Pastor Fido." There were choruses to separate the acts and two introduced in the action.

The little town was very badly provided for music; there was nobody who could give me instruction except an old opinionated organist; he, however, was merely a dry arithmetician, and plagued me to death with obscure, unmelodious toccatas and fugues. But I held on bravely, without letting myself be daunted.

It was something after this way. Into the stillness of a hot, stuffy morning came an unpleasant noise as of batteries of artillery charging up all the roads together, and at least one bewildered sleeper waking saw his empty boots where they 'sat and played toccatas stately at the clavicord. It was the washstand really but the effect was awful.

"On reaching home again, I was seized with a sort of fury: I pounced upon all the toccatas and fugues that I had hammered out, as well as a beautiful copy of forty-five variations of a canonical theme that the organist had written and done me the honour of presenting to me, all these I threw into the fire, and laughed with spiteful glee as the double counterpoint smoked and crackled.

"'While you sat and played toccatas stately, at the clavichord," Sophie hummed, and, head on one; side, nodded to where the perfect mirror should hang: Then they found bedrooms with dressing-rooms and powdering-closets, and steps leading up and down boxes of rooms, round, square, and octagonal, with enriched ceilings and chased door-locks. "Now about servants. Oh!"