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The "Barmaid" collar is the double collar, at that time just coming into fashion. "Chaw," short for Chawbacon. "Tique," ab. for arithmetic. "Tique-beaks" are mathematical masters. To "sky," i.e. to charge and overthrow. In the Harrow game a boy may turn and kick the ball into the hands of one of his own side.

In the highlands of Honduras, as has been noted by Squiers, the termination of tique or rique is of frequent occurrence in the names of places, as Chaparriistique, Lepaterique, Llotique, Ajuterique, and others. The race that inhabited this region were the Lenca Indians, often mentioned in the accounts given by the missionaries of their early expeditions into Honduras.

The effect was admirable; it brought back the impression of the way, in Rome itself, on evenings like that, the moonshine rests upon broken shafts and slabs of an- tique pavement. As we sat in the theatre, looking at the two lone columns that survive part of the decora- tion of the back of the stage and at the fragments of ruin around them, we might have been in the Roman forum.

During this term, regretfully must it be recorded that John scamped his "prep" and "ragged" in form whenever a suitable chance presented itself. The Duffer and he bribed a "Chaw" to throw gravel against the windows of the room where the boys were supposed to be mastering the problems of Euclid and algebra. The "tique" master had been Third Wrangler, but he couldn't tackle his Division properly.