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"Rush him fellows!" bawled Toby Ross. "Don't let him escape!" Indeed, there was no time or chance for getting away. Dick Prescott was rushed, caught and pinned. "What'll we do with him?" rose the chorus. "To the fountain! Duck him!" With a cheer the boys started, carrying Dick along on the shoulders of a few tightly-wedged boys. Dick's chums made no effort to rescue him.

And Jimbo left his chair and went seriously over to the book-shelf above Mother's sofa-bed to arrange the signals. For between the tightly-wedged books he had inserted all the available paper-knives and book-markers he could find to represent railway-signals. They stuck out at different angles. He altered several, putting some up, some down, and some at right angles.

Now, of a sudden, they crowded in on him tightly-wedged wall of humanity expectant, terrifying.... The two had drawn rein, facing each other; and for that mere moment Roy felt as if his nerve was gone. A glance at the crowded tent, the gleam of a blue-green figure leaning forward.... Then Lance's voice, low and peremptory, 'Come on. In the same breath he himself came on, with formidable élan.

The tightly-wedged mass of spectators watched, open-mouthed and quivering with anticipation, while the attendant, at Meeking's whispered bidding, broke the seals and cut the strings of the package which he had just carried in. Clearly, this was some piece of material evidence but what?