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There is plenty of Wild Sellery, and we purchased of the Natives 10 or 15 pounds of sweet Potatoes. They have pretty large plantations of these, but at present they are scarce, it being too Early in the Season. At Noon the Bay of Tegadoo bore West 1/2 South, distant 8 Leagues, and a very high double peak'd Mountain some distance in land bore North-West by West.

This bay, which is called by the natives Tegadoo, lies in the latitude of 38° 10' S.; but as it has nothing to recommend it, a description of it is unnecessary. From this bay I intended to stand on to the northward, but the wind being right against me, I could make no way.

Latitude observed 38 degrees 13 minutes South; Wind at North, a fresh Gale. Monday, 23rd. P.M. fresh Gales at North, and Cloudy weather. At 1 Tack'd and stood in shore; at 6 Sounded, and had 56 fathoms fine sandy bottom; the Bay of Tegadoo bore South-West 1/2 West, distance 4 Leagues.

While I was beating about to windward, some of the natives came on board, and told me, that in a bay which lay a little to the southward, being the same that I could not fetch the day I put into Tegadoo, there was excellent water, where the boats might land without a surf.