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And the next day he brought word, 'The tent of the sky is building. This was the tentlike cloud that would stretch from peak to peak of the Tamal-Pyweack at the beginning of the Rainy Season. "Howkawanda rose up in his bed and called the people. 'Go, hunt! go, hunt! he said; 'the deer have come back to Talking Water. Then he lay still and heard them, as many as were able, going out joyfully.

Tamal-Pyweack Wall-of-Shining-Rocks is an Indian name for the Rocky Mountains. Backbone-of-the-World is another. The Country of the Dry Washes is between the Rockies and the Sierra Nevadas, toward the south. A dry wash is the bed of a river that runs only in the rainy season. As such rivers usually run very swiftly, they make great ragged gashes across a country.

Howkawanda had caught the buck by the antlers in a blind gully at the foot of the Tamal-Pyweack, trying for the throw back and to the left which drops a buck running, with his neck broken.

Every year, when they went up by tribes and villages to the Tamal-Pyweack to gather pine nuts, the People of the Dry Washes looked for a possible trail through the Wall to the Buffalo Country. There was such a trail.

"Concerning that Talking Stick of Taku-Wa-kin's," said the Coyote, as the company settled back after Arrumpa's story, "there is a Telling of my people ... not of a Rod, but a Skin, a hide of thy people, Great Chief," he bowed to the Bull Buffalo, "that talked of Tamal-Pyweack and a Dead Man's Journey " The little beast stood with lifted paw and nose delicately pointed toward the Bighorn's country as it lifted from the prairie, drawing the earth after it in great folds, high crest beyond high crest flung against the sun; light and color like the inside of a shell playing in its snow-filled hollows.