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Her morning in the Baker fields and by the banks of that part of the Sym that meanders through them had tuned her mind to meditation. The food at one o'clock and the manner of its bringing in by Annalise Priscilla had relieved Mrs. Pearce of that office tuned it still more.

Her own, she had full power over; and Jane after vain endeavors, be- came disgusted, weary, and perplexed, and de- cided that, though her mother might suffer, she could not endure her home. They followed Jack to the West. Thus vanished all hopes of sym- pathy or relief from this source to Frado. There seemed no one capable of enduring the oppres- sions of the house but her.

She had formerly had wealth at her command, but misfortune had de- prived her of it, and unlocked her heart to sym- pathies and favors she had never known while it lasted. Her husband, defrauded of his last means by a branch of the Bellmont family, had supported them by manual labor, gone to the West, and left his wife and four young children.

"'Kye Mayabb from south of town and Sym Pleydell, who rents the Clemison farm, met up in front of Barney Skeyhan's place last Saturday afternoon and started to settle an old grudge, while their respective better halves looked on from across the street.

To the east, this country is bounded by Kathay, to the west by Turkestan, to the north by an extensive desert, and to the south by a very rich province, named Sym or Peim, in which diamonds are found, and which, is situated between Kathay and India.