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"Die Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft, Der mit Eifer sucht muss Leiden schaffen,"

An old German saying, 'Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft die mit Eifer sucht was Leider schafft, says by no means too much.... Jealousy is a heritage of animality and barbarism; I would recall this to those who, under the name of 'injured honor, attempt to justify it and place it on a high pedestal.

Beethoven is recalled by some of Mahler's triumphant finales, particularly by those of the Fifth and Seventh Symphonies, and by many of Mahler's adagio passages. "Es sucht der Bruder seinen Bruder," oh, how often and at what length through Mahler's symphonies, and with what persistency on the tenor trumpet!

The next point has reference to "sublimation." This outcome of individual evolution, as defined by Freud, has a strictly social, not an ethical, meaning. "Die Psychoanalyse soll eine biologische Methode sein, welche das hoechste subjektive Wohlbefinden mit der wertwollsten biologischen Leistung zu vereinigen sucht."

"Die Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft der mit Eifer sucht muss Leiden schaffen." German Proverb. Very many years ago, in a valley a few miles from the coast, there stood a French château, beautifully situated in a handsome park near the Norman village of Carolles.

I plan my stay in Europe before going there. I figure my business prospects before forming a partnership. But in profounder affairs, I more wisely set out from the thought of the present, and the patent need of improving it, than from the future with its ideal perfection. Goethe's rule is a good one: "Willst du ins Unendliebe schreiten? So sucht das Endliche, nach allen Seiten."