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But, while Ragnvald was in Little Papey now Papa Stronsay to fetch malt for Yuletide, Thorfinn returned, and surrounded the house in which Ragnvald was, by night; and, on his escaping by leaping through the besiegers in priestly disguise, Thorfinn's men followed him, and, led by his lapdog's barking, discovered him among the rocks by the sea, where Thorkel Fostri slew him, Thorfinn meanwhile annihilating his following, save one man.

Margaret's Hope one of the chief fishing stations of Orkney and our course thereafter lay along the eastern shores of the Mainland. Long and dreary was the passage northward from Ronaldsay to Stronsay.

They were hardly out of Stronsay Frith when they saw the witch-whale again, following them up, rolling and spouting and breaching in most uncanny wise. Some said that they saw a gray woman on his back; and they knew possibly from the look of the sky, but certainly from the whale's behavior that there was more heavy weather yet coming from the northward.

In the year 1789 a lighthouse had been completed at North Ronaldsay, but the experience of twelve years had proved that this was not calculated to prevent the numerous wrecks on the islands of Sanday and Stronsay.

This man, who like the rest, was one of King Magnus' bodyguard, he bade go to his king and tell the tale, and he seized Kirkwall by stratagem. Jarl Ragnvald is said to have been a man of large stature and great strength, and to have been buried in Papa Westray, but a grave nearly eight feet long, that would fit him, has been found where he fell in Papa Stronsay.