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Peter Thatcher, of Milton, bought in 1679 a "pack of ninepins and bowle," for which he paid five shillings and sixpence, and enjoyed playing with them too; but I fancy few ministers played either that or like games. On the second Christmas, at Plymouth, we find some of the Pilgrims playing pitch-the-bar and stool-ball.

"You are right, Hopkins, although somewhat discourteous in your rectitude," replied Bradford, and hasting forward he came in sight of the Town Square, where some fifteen or twenty of the Fortune passengers were amusing themselves at "stool-ball," a kind of cricket, at pitching the bar, wrestling, hopping-matches, and various other old English sports, many of which had been encouraged and even led by the governor in the late week of Thanksgiving.

I hear, too, we are to have a real old-fashioned Easter Day heaving and lifting, and stool-ball. Egad! The Colonel deserves knighthood!" Soon after breakfast there was a general stampede to Seeton and Dinstable to buy gifts; for in that respect again the Onslows stuck to old customs, and there was a general interchange of presents on Easter morning.

The settlers were in the main a homogeneous body, both as to social class and to religious views and purpose. Among them were undesirable members some were sent out by the English merchants and others came out of their own accord who played stool-ball on Sunday, committed theft, or set the community by the ears, as did one notorious offender named Lyford.