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He'll not be needin' help o' oors, I doot, but there are ithers' and he stopped abruptly and sat down, with no applause following. But when Slavin, our saloon-keeper, rose to reply, the men jumped up on the seats and yelled till they could yell no more. Slavin stood, evidently in trouble with himself, and finally broke out 'It's spacheless I am entirely.

I'm not dead, but I'm spacheless." The length of the shillalah gives it a great advantage over a shorter stick, for, when held about a third of its length from the end, the shorter portion serves to guard the right side of the head and the right forearm. The use of the point is almost unknown in Irish conflicts.

But the waiver bein' an his neck was a great disthress to him, and he would rather have had him an inside passenger; but, anyway, he flew and he flew till he kem slap up agin the palace o' the king; for, bein' blind with the rage, he never seen it, and he knocked his brains out that is, the small thrifle he had and down he fell spacheless.

Ve vill give der yoonger a chance," the brewer said. When Dennis called the next day, he was "spacheless" at the new developments. He wrung Peter's hand. "Arrah, what can Oi say to yez?" he exclaimed finally. Then having found something, he quickly continued: "Now, Patsy Blunkers, lookout for yezself. It's the divil Oi'll give yez in the primary this year."