United States or Taiwan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The slop-made coats and trousers worn in many societies quickly turn shabby, and give a slouchy appearance to the men, which is disagreeable to the eye, and must be more or less demoralizing to the wearers. The blue jacket of the Rappist is a very suitable and comfortable working garment; and the long coat of the Shaker always looks decent and tidy.

Wade standing just before her. "I must speak to you" she said, holding out her hands impulsively. Mrs. Wade looked from her to the man in the background, who again had awkwardly raised his hat a cheap but new cylinder, which, together with his slop-made coat and trousers, classed him among uncertain specimens of humanity. "Will you let him come in?"

He was looking at the frank, open, intelligent face and well-made limbs of the half-naked lad opposite and wondering what he was doing here with this grizzled drunkard. The said grizzled drunkard being the broken-down swell, whose highly-coloured face, swollen nose and slobbery eyes told a tale that his slop-made clothes would have concealed.

And though he wore corduroys at work, and a slop-made pepper-and-salt suit on Sundays, strangers would turn round to look after him on the road. His foreignness had a peculiar and indelible stamp. At last people became used to see him. But they never became used to him.