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When he saw that he had but a choice between two dangers, he prudently took that which seemed to be the least, replying that, "all t'ings 'sidered, 'twould be 'bout as well to tote off to de settlement, and guv de news to de folks dar." He added that he was not influenced by "pussonal fear, but was simply actin' on de advice ob de Leftenant." Accordingly, Cato took his departure.

It was with gloom he con- sidered on landing at Liverpool that if he were to go home his reception would be of a kind very unpleasant to con- template; for what Troy had in the way of emotion was an occasional fitful sentiment which sometimes caused him as much inconvenience as emotion of a strong and healthy kind.

At half past twelve the captain and the boatswain con- sidered that the brig was about nine miles away; she had, therefore, gained only three miles in an hour and a half, and it was doubtful whether the light breeze that had been passing over our heads had reached her at all. I fancied, too, that her sails were no longer filled, but were hanging loose against her masts.

Gabriel had always known that when the fire was lighted and the door closed one of these must be kept open that chosen being always on the side away from the wind. Closing the slide to windward, he turned to open the other; on second thoughts the farmer con- sidered that he would first sit down leaving both closed for a minute or two, till the temperature of the hut was a little raised.

Gabriel sat down on the shafts of the vehicle and con- sidered his position. He calculated that he had walked a very fair proportion of the journey; and having been on foot since daybreak, he felt tempted to lie down upon the hay in the waggon instead of pushing on to the village of Weatherbury, and having to pay for a lodging.