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But for the restraining rein, tightened quickly by the boy who held him, Lauzanne would have snuggled his head against his little mistress. "They understand each other," said Dixon to Mike, in an undertone; "we'll get all that's in him this trip." "Bot' t'umbs up! if he doesn't come home alone I'll eat me hat. The sharks'll get a knock this journey, that'll make 'em take a tumble to themselves."

Pennel were, however, startled into a paroxysm of alarm when poor Miss Ruey came screaming, as she entered the door, "As sure as you're alive, them chil'en are off in the boat, they're out to sea, sure as I'm alive! What shall we do? The boat'll upset, and the sharks'll get 'em."

If you bother her if anything happens to her well, you go and take a good long look at Durand before you make any mistakes." "You touch me an' I'll croak you. See!" hissed Collins. "It won't be rough-house stuff with me. I'll fix youse so the gospel sharks'll sing gather-at-the-river for you." "A gun-play?" asked Clay pleasantly. "Say, there's a shootin'-gallery round the corner. Come along.

But as yet the fins remained visible on the surface of the water. Poor Roger was nearly fainting with anxiety and apprehension, while Bevan was rapidly becoming exhausted. At length the strain on their nerves became unendurable, and Jake Irwin said: "I don't think those fellows'll hear us now, even if we splash; and if we don't splash, they sharks'll be at us in a few minutes.