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Drunken men lay in front of the taverns, and others were doing their utmost, by repeatedly draining their beakers, to follow their example. Nothing was yet to be seen of the various musicians, jugglers, fire- eaters, serpent-charmers, and conjurers, who in the evening displayed their skill in this part of the town, which at all times had the aspect of a never ceasing fair.

The Indian serpent-charmers of whom you have heard know this, and before they allow themselves to be bitten by the deadly cobras, with which they are so fond of playing their feats of jugglery, are careful to extract their sharp poison-fangs.

Drunken men lay in front of the taverns, and others were doing their utmost, by repeatedly draining their beakers, to follow their example. Nothing was yet to be seen of the various musicians, jugglers, fire-eaters, serpent-charmers, and conjurers, who in the evening displayed their skill in this part of the town, which at all times had the aspect of a never ceasing fair.

You must have read of these serpent-charmers in storybooks, as they charm even wild cobras in that way. So it is quite true that several kinds of animals can be charmed with particular kinds of soft music, such as the music of the flute and the violin. I shall tell you all about that in my next book.

Drunken men lay in front of the taverns, and others were doing their utmost, by repeatedly draining their beakers, to follow their example. Nothing was yet to be seen of the various musicians, jugglers, fire-eaters, serpent-charmers, and conjurers, who in the evening displayed their skill in this part of the town, which at all times had the aspect of a never ceasing fair.

In turn appeared acrobats, serpent-charmers, dancers, buffoons, and jesters, who called forth shouts from the audience. But Ramses was gloomy. In his soul sprang up, moment after moment, passions which had been dormant, hatred for Assyrians and jealousy of Kama.

A group of sapwallahs, or serpent-charmers, each bearing a basket about fifteen inches in diameter at the bottom, but not more than ten at the top, each containing several cobras, marched into the centre of the crowd. Pious Hindus brought forward bowls of the milk of buffaloes, of which the serpents are very fond, and placed them on the ground.