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Even these latter imitations, however, directed as they are to foolish and pernicious objects, place the self-independence of the greater portion of mankind in a very doubtful light, and account for their union into a social whole.

Now was the time to prove my courage to turn over a new leaf, take a new departure, begin life over again, show to these giggling girls that I had some pride some self-independence some self-resp " The door creaked on its hinges, and at the sound a blind confusion seized me.

On one occasion, however, he expressed a serious doubt as to the wisdom of sending to Canada large bodies of troops, which had come back from the Crimea, on the ground that such a proceeding might complicate the relations of the colony with the United States, and at the same time arrest its progress towards self-independence in all matters affecting its internal order and security.

All that remains for us to do is to choose from the Discourses some of his most characteristic views, and the modes by which he brought them home to his hearers. It was one of the most essential peculiarities of Stoicism to aim at absolute independence, or self-independence.

It is we who do nothing, and cannot even imagine anything to be done, who are so much displeased with self-lauding, self-love, self-independence, self-admiration, which with the man of genius may often be nothing but an ostensible modification of the passion of glory.