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"Something might happen to me," he said to himself; "and, even if all was well, she would be happier not to be wholly dependent upon her sister;" with which self-exculpatory reflection, Mr Proctor slowly followed the others into the drawing-room. Gerald and Frank, who were neither of them disposed for society, went away together.

They had fought the battle, it was true, "but the civil authority" conceived their uses to be over, and "they were excluded as dangerous spectators;" an unworthy and most ungrateful decision, in which, we are pleased to learn from a self-exculpatory letter of General Greene, he had no participation, and which he did not approve.

"I know I've been rotten to you, and I thought you wanted me to help," he explained, in a self-exculpatory tone. She stroked his cheek maternally. "Run along, dearest. I can get on perfectly well alone." "You're a brick, Mary. I think I'll go. This kind of thing " he flung his arm toward the disordered room "is too utterly unharmonious." And kissing her mechanically he hastened out.

"She will never forgive me," he murmured to Almira, as he saw her home, "but," and his voice sank lower, "I only wonder I did not forget all but yours." And that was one of the lovely things said to her that night she did not report in her long, explanatory, self-exculpatory letter to Percy. It is possibly surprising that she had sense enough not to tell it to Mrs.