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Humanity took a new departure; but a departure which for the moment was signalized as a LOSS the loss of its former harmony and self-adjustment. And the cause or accompaniment of this change was the growth of Self-consciousness. Here was evidently a threat to the continuance of the former happy conditions.

The Torah is God's covenant, not only with one small nation, but with all His children, and its teachings are true for all times and for all places. "The Bible," as Professor Butcher says, "is the one book which appears to have the capacity of eternal self-adjustment, of uninterrupted correspondence with an ever-shifting and ever-widening environment."

The repose of self-adjustment like that to which our whole solar system is slowly tending as its death, this to him appears, though from no scientific deduction, the end of all existence.

No doubt, such perfect poise such intuitive self-adjustment was not maintained by nature without a sacrifice of the qualities which would have upset it. No doubt, too, that even his restless-minded, introspective, self-conscious children who knew him best were much too ignorant of the world and of human nature to suspect how rare and complete was the model before their eyes.

Psychology suggests to us that the great spiritual personalities revealed in history are but supreme instances of a searching self-adjustment and of a way of life, always accessible to love and courage, which all men may in some sense undertake.