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Lyons says that it is one of the most loathsome diseases that comes under the observation of medical men. He describes the disease as "essentially a scrofulous inflammation of the Schneiderian membrane, ... which finally attacks the bones." Flies deposit their ova in the nasal discharges, and from their infection maggots eventually arise.

The Schneiderian membrane, of more than usual sensibility in this animal, is exposed to many causes of irritation, and debilitated and worn out before its time. Pugs are particularly subject to Ozaena. I scarcely ever knew a very old pug that had it not to a greater or less degree.

The explanation of this is an over-stimulation of a part of the mucous membrane of the nose called the Schneiderian membrane. If we analyze the sneeze, we find that it simply consists of a spasm of the pharynx, larynx and diaphragm through the reflex action of this membrane.

Something like this is the history of many animal poisons. In variola and the vaccine disease the poison is determined to the skin, in glanders to the Schneiderian membrane, and in farcy to the superficial absorbents. Each in its turn becomes the depot of the poison.

'18th. He has eaten a very little, but gets thinner and weaker. Continue the lotion. '27th. The ulcers are nearly healed, and the discharge of pus has ceased. '31st. The mouth is clean, the gums are healed, and there is no longer anything offensive about the dog. is placed at the top of the windpipe, the exit from the lungs, and is also connected with the Schneiderian membrane.