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Sazerat's dog," Francoise would suggest, without any real conviction, but in the hope of peace, and so that my aunt should not 'split her head. "As if I didn't know Mme. Sazerat's dog!" for my aunt's critical mind would not so easily admit any fresh fact. "Ah, but that will be the new dog M. Galopin has brought her from Lisieux." "Oh, if that's what it is!"

Sazerat's son, who had been ordered to some watering-place, to take his degree two months before the proper time, among the candidates whose surnames began with 'A, instead of having to wait his turn as an 'S. If I had fallen seriously ill, if I had been captured by brigands, convinced that my father's understanding with the supreme powers was too complete, that his letters of introduction to the Almighty were too irresistible for my illness or captivity to turn out anything but vain illusions, in which there was no danger actually threatening me, I should have awaited with perfect composure the inevitable hour of my return to comfortable realities, of my deliverance from bondage or restoration to health.

For one of Eulalie's most rooted beliefs, and one that the formidable list of corrections which her experience must have compiled was powerless to eradicate, was that Mme. Sazerat's name was really Mme. Sazerin. "I do not ask to live to a hundred," my aunt would say, for she preferred to have no definite limit fixed to the number of her days.