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"Let our buxom chaplain stand forth, and expound to this reverend father the texts which concern this matter." The Friar, half-drunk, half-sober, had huddled a friar's frock over his green cassock, and now summoning together whatever scraps of learning he had acquired by rote in former days, "Holy father," said he, "'Deus faciat salvam benignitatem vestram' You are welcome to the greenwood."

During the course of the controversy he repeats the form of prayer which he is in the habit of using being far too courageous a soul to veil any supposed fault. And this is the salvam fac employed by Knox:

And Sleidane tells us, the reason which made them so mistake it was, because they thought such as were upon that course, were opening a way to the popish religion, per adiaphora seu res medias, and because they wished to retain the saving doctrine puram et salvam a technis illorum, qui nunc dum ceremonias restaurare videri volunt, colluviem totam doctrinae pontificiae rursus introducunt.

"I have also," he continued, "my eye upon him, as I shall have it upon Basterga. Will that satisfy you, Messer Petitot?" The councillor leaned forward. "Fac salvam Genevam!" he replied in a voice low and not quite steady. "Do that, keep Geneva safe guard well our faith, our wives and little ones and I care not what you do!" And he rose from his seat. The Fourth Syndic did not answer.