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The citie of Rome, beinge sackt by Charles the Emperour, the Pope and Cardinalls taken and ymprisoned, cannot brooke their doinges in their hartes.

Zacharie after he had furnisht the wench with the poyson, and giu'n her instructions to goe to the diuell, durst not staye one houre for feare of disclosing, but fled to the Duke of Burbon that after sackt Rome, & there practised with his bastardship all the mischief against the pope and Rome that enuie could put into his minde. Zadoch was left behinde for the hangman.

Thus he, the now sackt city justly fear'd, Who all around had death and ruin shar'd. From fancy'd darts believes a darkned sky, And troops retreating in confusion fly: There the sad funeral pomp of kings; here Conscious plains, half drown'd in blood, appear He that by day has nois'd it at the bar, Of knaves and fools now sees the great resort, And to meet justice vainly fears in court.

Truly my share of the booty was never with thine to be measur'd When the Achaians had sackt any populous town of the Troad: Only when shock upon shock the turmoil of the battle was raging, Greater the work of my hands; but whenever we reacht the division Far did thy portion surpass. Nor has grudging been mine or complaining: Weary with warring, and pleas'd with a little, I went to my galley.