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According to some authorities he also bestowed upon his instructor the ground whereon his barn was built; and here arose the celebrated church called Sabhall Patraic, "The Barn of Patrick," which still retains the name of Sabhal, or Saul, and is situated about two miles northeast of Downpatrick. Leaving Saul, the missionaries proceeded to northern Dalaradia, and the residence of St.

They found a doe, with its fawn, in the place where the Sabhall is to-day, and his people went to kill it. Prohibuit Patricius, et dixit, "Serviat sibi postea," and sent it out of the hill northward, to the place where Telac-na-licce is to-day, ibi magna mirabilia fecit. Daire's daughter loved the person Benen; sweet to her was the sound of his voice in chanting.

As regards the man who persuaded him thereto," added he, "there shall not be a king or righdamhna of his family, and his seed and race shall be 'in service' for ever, and his soul shall not return from hell to the judgment, nor after judgment." Patrick went subsequently from Sabhall southwards, that he might preach to Ros, son of Trichim.

When Dichu saw Patrick, he became gentle, and he believed, and Patrick baptized him; so that he was the first in Ulster who received faith and baptism from Patrick. Then it was that Dichu presented the Sabhall to Patrick. But when Miliuc heard that Patrick had arrived, he wished not to believe for him, and to abandon the pagan religion.

Perchance that by this mystical structure the worshippers of idols might be persuaded from the northern coldness of unbelief unto the meridian fervor of the faith and the charity of Christ the which to this day is called Sabhall Phadruig, that is, the Barn of Patrick; for in process of time he builded there a fair monastery, into which he introduced monks that had passed their novitiate; and for their use he not long afterward, by his prayers, produced a fountain out of the earth.