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"Juliette et Rene s'aimaient d'amour si tendre Que Dien, sans les punir, a pu leur pardonner: Il n'avait pas voulu que l'une put donner Ce que l'autre ne pouvait prendre." Duplex vagina has been observed by Bartholinus, Malacarne, Asch, Meckel, Osiander, Purcell, and other older writers. In more modern times reports of this anomaly are quite frequent.

"Go on, my child," said a man with silvery hair. This was Provost. "Yes, it won't be as long as a scene from a play," exclaimed Augustine Brohan, the one woman present. I began again: Deux pigeons s'aimaient d'amour tendre, L'un d'eux s'ennuyant au logis Fut assez.... "Louder, my child, louder," said a little man with curly white hair, in a kindly tone. This was Samson.

I at once made my bow and began: Deux pigeons s'aimaient d'amour tendre, L'un d'eux s'ennuyant.... A low, grumbling sound was heard, and then a "ventriloquist" muttered, "It isn't an elocution class here. What an idea to come here reciting fables!" It was Beauvallet, the deafening tragedian of the Comedie Francaise. I stopped short, my heart beating wildly.

A little girl, as Sarcey relates, once presented herself at the Paris Conservatoire in order to pass the examination for admission. All she knew was the fable of the "Two Pigeons," but she had no sooner recited the lines "Deux pigeons s'aimaient d'amour tendre, L'un d'eux, s'ennuyant au logis" than Auber stopped her with a gesture. "Enough," he said. "Come here, my child."