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About her in the tall trees of the allee the percherons twittered while the soft roucoulement of the bees murmured drowsily in the tall calice of the chou-fleur. Can we blame him if he didn't? No doubt he was still studying his active verb before tackling Mere Pitou. But there! Let it pass. In any case it is not only the magazines, but the novels themselves, that are being transformed by the war.

They were sitting and standing scattered round a large courtyard, and hidden somewhere above them in the yellow tiled roofs were more of those cooing doves with that strong accent of Marseilles: "Roucoulement, roucoulement, roucoulement," they said very gently this time, yet without ever ceasing. Their soft voices made beautiful music.... For some reason none of the harem were surprised.

Here, in her private realm, the doves were cooing, cooing, cooing, just like the French word roucoulement, spoken strongly with the accent of Marseilles. You could hear these birds of the Marseilles accent saying continually that French word: Roucoulement, roucoulement, roucoulement, with never a break....

The 'clock-bird, supposed to toll every hour, has a voice which unites the bark of a dog, the caw of a crow, and the croak of a frog: he is rarely seen and even cleverer than 'hair grown. More familiar sounds are the roucoulement of the pigeon and the tapping of the woodpecker.