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Reef-fishing is full of exciting incidents, but its chief attraction is the amazing beauty of the sea-gardens as seen through the water-glass, with sponges and sea-fans of every hue, gently waving in the current far below, as fish of all the colours of the rainbow play in and out of them in the clear blue water.

The Spanish Main Its real meaning A detestable region Tarpon and sharks The isthmus The story of the great pearl "La Pelegrina" The Irishman and the Peruvian The vagaries of the Southern Cross The great Kingston earthquake Point of view of small boys Some earthquake incidents "Flesh-coloured" stockings Negro hysteria A family incident, and the unfortunate Archbishop Port Royal A sugar estate A scene from a boy's book in real life Cocoa-nuts Reef-fishing Two young men of great promise.

I had hoped to tell of reef-fishing in the West Indies; of surf-riding on planks at Muizenberg in South Africa; of the extreme inconvenience to which the inhabitants of Southern China are subjected owing to the inconsiderate habits of their local devils; of sapphire seas where coco-nut palms toss their fronds in the Trade wind over gleaming-white coral beaches; of vast frozen tracts in the Far North where all animate life seems suspended; of Japanese villages clinging to green hill-sides where boiling springs gush out of the cliffs in clouds of steam, and of many other things besides, for it has been my good fortune to have seen most of the surface of this globe.