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Then he found the questura, or police office, and was assured by the officer in attendance that the disappearance of Mr. Merrick was already known to the authorities and every effort was being made to find him. "Do you think he has been abducted by brigands?" asked the lawyer. "Brigands, signore?" was the astonished reply. "There are no brigands in this district at all.

"They may," was my answer. "Probably they did. But with what motive?" The Captain of the Port elevated his shoulders, exhibited his palms, and declared "The whole affair from beginning to end is a complete and profound mystery." That day was an active one in Questura, or police office, of Leghorn.

Upon reaching the frontier you are ushered before a board composed of officials of the French Service de Sûrété and the Italian Questura and again subjected to a searching interrogatory. Every piece of luggage in the train is unloaded, opened, and carefully examined.

"The reason the papers are all upset is because they were evidently in search of some blank form or other, which they hoped to find," remarked my friend. "As you say, the whole affair was most carefully and ingeniously planned." We crossed the great sunlit piazza together and entered the Questura, that sun-blanched old palace with its long cool loggia where the sentry paces day and night.