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To some philosophical and theological writers of antiquity their doctrines and their apparent affinities with Pythagoreanism were of much greater interest than their ceremonial or other functions. One thing at any rate is clear, that the Druids and their doctrines, or supposed doctrines, had made a deep impression on the writers of the ancient world.

The vigorous man was unfortunately too much a scholar to confess that he neither could nor would be a philosopher, and accordingly as such throughout life he performed a blind dance- not altogether becoming between the Stoa, Pythagoreanism, and Diogenism.

In short, Philo's Pythagoreanism only emphasizes his commanding purpose to deepen and recommend the Jewish God-idea and the Jewish method of life. Jewish influences throughout are the determining element of Philo's teaching; they are the dynamic forces working upon the Greek matter and producing the new Platonism, which constitutes Philo's contribution to Greek philosophy.

Falsehood was of the earth; the real life of the soul must be in harmony with the heavenly and eternal verities. Pythagoreanism remained a power for centuries throughout the Greek world and beyond.

Both were the unifications of many peoples; both were overturned by barbarians from the north: Teutons in the one case, Tatars in the other. But after that overturnment, China, unlike Rome, rose from her ashes many times, and still endures. Thank the success of Confucius and Laotse; and blame the failure of Pythagoreanism, for that!