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Collectors expect to find a new habitat of Cyp. purpuratum in Formosa when they are allowed to explore that realm. Even our native Cyp. calceolus has almost disappeared; we get it now from Central Europe, but in several districts where it abounded the supply grows continually less. The same report comes from North America and Japan.

The cool varieties will do well anywhere, provided they receive water enough in summer, and not too little in winter. I do not speak of the American and Siberian classes, which are nearly hopeless for the amateur, nor of the Hong-Kong Cypripedium purpuratum, a very puzzling example. On the roll of martyrs to orchidology, Mr. Pearce stands high.

"Hi in amplissimo ordine, seposita prærogativa partis armatæ, facile post purpuratum principem principes erant." "Sed si forte placet veteres sopire querelas Anthemium concede mihi; sit partibus istis Augustus longumque Leo; mea jura gubernet Quem petii." Carmen, ii. Reumont, i. 700.

Cyp. purpuratum is almost extinct at Hong Kong, and is vanishing fast on the mainland. It is still found occasionally in the garden of a peasant, who, we are told, resolutely declines to sell his treasure. This may seem incredible to those who know the Chinaman, but Mr. Roebelin vouches for the fact; it is one more eccentricity to the credit of that people, who had quite enough already.