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It was Rosanna's dream to have a dimple in her thin little cheek. Rosanna commenced to play scales. She took the C scale it was so easy that she could think. She was so happy that she played it in a very prancy way, up and down, up and down. Then it commenced to stumble and go ve-ry, v-e-r-y slowly. Rosanna had had an awful thought.

Her mind was still too freshly packed with European impressions to receive any real idea of the value of this pageant, she told herself. She knew she did not feel particularly interested. But she waited. Another surging forward. It was no longer, "Here they come!" but, "Here they are!" And here they were. A squad of mounted police, on very prancy horses.

IMMORAL: A good bluff, well chucked, is liable to do considerable execution. The Horse and the Oyster. A very prancy horse, discovering an oyster on the sea-shore, thought to show off a little and make the oyster envious. After he had done some surprising leaps and curvetings, he went up to the oyster, and, with a toss of his head, said: "There! what do you think of that?"

I feel so good and strong and prancy all the time that I can't keep from bubbling. I have to smile at myself. Then another thing that helps is Billy and his ball. I never could really play with him before, but now I can't help it. But an awful thing happened about that yesterday.

With the heavy jowl hidden; and the prominent nostrils, the long reverse-curved nose, the wide eyes, and the little pointed ears alone visible, they resembled more than a little that sort of conventionalized and noble charger seen on the frieze of the Parthenon, or in the prancy paintings of the Renaissance. There were hippopotamuses of all sizes and of all colours.

I feel so strong and prancy all the time that I can't keep from bubbling. I have to smile at myself. Then another thing that helps is Billy and his ball. I never could really play with him before, but now I can't help it. But an awful thing happened about that yesterday.