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The Frères Chrétiens are the foremost in picking up the wounded; going forward long before the firing is over. The Bishop prances about on his horse, dressed in a soutane and long boots, the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour on his breast, a golden crucifix hanging from his neck, and a huge episcopal ring on his finger, outside his gloves.

The fine dust is stirred up in yellow clouds and moves along the road; the tramp of hoofs in unison resounds afar; the horses race along, pricking up their ears; in front of all, with his tail in the air and thistles in his tangled mane, prances some shaggy chestnut, constantly shifting his paces as he goes. I told the boys I had lost my way, and sat down with them.

But she never looked at me. And that handsome man only ruffles his curls and smirks and prances like a lady-killer at my side. "'What do you think of her, Judson? asks Fergus, with an air. "'This much, says I. 'She is to be Mrs. Judson Tate. I am no man to play tricks on a friend. So take your warning. "I thought Fergus would die laughing. "'Well, well, well, said he, 'you old doughface!

Something about 'prances, O! on her horse, you know, or you're a hem'd fool if you don't. I never could sing; wish I could! It's the joy of life! It's utterance! Hey for harmony!" "Eh! brayvo! now you're a man, Steeve! and welcomer and welcomest; yi yi, O!" jolly Butcher Billing sang out sharp. "Life wants watering.