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After tea, Jane took her bonnet to go home, and Susie begged permission to walk a short distance with her, to gather prairie-flowers. Mrs. Allis hesitated, but at length gave her consent, specifying the distance which she might go. Scarcely had they started on their walk, when Jane remarked,

He got to his feet still holding it, and helped her to rise. "Good-by," she said bashfully, drawing away. He freed her hand. "You don't know how glad I am that we've met," he said, "you don't know. It's been pretty lonesome for me since I came out. And you are a taste of of the old life. You're like one of those prairie-flowers that have escaped from the gardens back home.

You said some nice things about me just now, and I liked it, even if it was as if you learned it out of a book. I've got no po'try in me; I'm plain homespun. I'm a sapling, I'm not any prairie-flower, but I like when I like, and I like a lot when I like. I'm a bit of hickory, I'm not a prairie-flower " "Who said you was a prairie-flower? Did I? Who's talking about prairie-flowers "

You said some nice things about me just now, and I liked it, even if it was as if you'd learned it out of a book. I've got no po'try in me; I'm plain homespun. I'm a sapling, I'm not any prairie-flower, but I like when I like, and I like a lot when I like. I'm a bit of hickory, I'm not a prairie-flower " "Who said you was a prairie-flower? Did I? Who's talking about prairie-flowers "