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'Yes, it's dreadful having our face washed, isn't it? said Mrs Blackshaw, with her sleeves up, and her hair by this time down. 'We don't like it, do we? Yes, yes. Emmie grunted, without a sound, and yet Mrs Blackshaw heard her, and finished that face quickly and turned to the hands. 'Potato-gardens every day, she said. 'Evzy day-day. Fat little creases! There! He likes that! There! Feet! Feet!

Old Peter Devine will tell you his childish memory of the old priest sitting by the turf fire in the fisherman's cottage, listening to the eternal complaint of the winds and waters that had destroyed the fishing and washed the potato-gardens out to sea, and pausing in his words of counsel and sympathy to take delicately a pinch of the finest snuff, snuff that had never bemeaned itself by paying duty to King George.

Fringing this broad waste, little patches of cultivation are to be seen: small potato-gardens, as they are called, or a few roods of oats, green even in the late autumn; but, strangely enough, with nothing to show where the humble tiller of the soil is living, nor, often, any visible road to these isolated spots of culture. Gradually, however but very gradually the prospect brightens.

Why," I boasted, growing yet more recklessly prodigal, "I'd have made a hill of it somewheres handy t' every harbour in the world as big as the Watchman ay, an' handy t' the harbours, so the folk could take so much as they wanted t' make potato-gardens an' an' t' make the grave-yards deep enough.