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This plant was introduced into our garden many years ago, and still preserves this difference; otherwise it is in all respects the same as the Festuca ovina. FESTUCA pinnata.

THRIFT. This plant is valuable for making edgings to the flower garden. It should be parted, and planted for this purpose either in the months of August and September, or April and May. STIPA pinnata. FEATHER GRASS. We have few plants of more interest than this; its beautiful feathery bloom is but little inferior to the plumage of the celebrated Bird of Paradise.

The other species which are distinctly characterized are L. pedunculata, L. viridis, L. dentata, L. heterophylla, L. pyrenaica, L. pinnata, L. coronopifolia, L. abrotonoides, L. Lawii, and L. multifida. The L. multifida is synonymous with L. Burmanii. In Spain the therapeutic properties of L. dentata are alleged to be even more marked than in the oils of any of the other species of lavender.

The spikes are cut half through, to facilitate their breaking off. The Indian has also discovered the means of poisoning the fish of the lakes and pools, as well as the birds of the air. He extracts the poison from a certain liana the paullinia pinnata which he calls timbo.

The only tree in this country in a wild state, is growing in Bewdley Forest, Worcester-shire. SPARTIUM Scoparium. BROOM. Is a very ornamental plant, and is used for making besoms. It was once considered as a specific in the cure of dropsy, but is now seldom used for medicial purposes. STAPHYLEA pinnata. BLADDER-NUT. This is not a common plant in this country.

S. betulifolia and S. chamaedrifolia flexuosa are worthy forms of free growth and bearing white flowers. STAPHYLEA COLCHICA. Colchican Bladder Nut. Caucasus. This is a very distinct shrub, about 6 feet high, with large clusters of showy white flowers. Being quite hardy, and very ornamental, this species is worthy the attention of planters. S. PINNATA. Job's Tears, or St. Anthony's Nut.