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Peters's speed mania." "I shall make a complaint against him to the navigation authorities," said Mr. Ralston, who was looking after the girls. "He must think he, alone, has any rights on this lake." With renewed thanks to Tom and Ned, the rescued girls were rowed off to their homes, while the interrupted water carnival was continued.

Last night Peters had a small boy rush out and telephone in haste for Dr. Carter. As it happened, the physician was at his office, and answered quickly. After Dr. Carter had been in Peters's room, perhaps a minute, the physician hurried out into the street, stopping the first man whom he met. That man happened to be Dr. Davidson. The two men returned to Peters's room.

Now yer a-smilin', boys, so I may remark jest here, to save yez from interruptin' hereafter, thet I've ben to Old Man Peters's sence, on several occasions; an' nex' summer I hope to see yez all acceptin' the hospitality of Mrs. Jabez E. Batterpole! But thet ain't no part o' this here story! "Nex' day Sandy an' me hed a fine run down by Woodstock.

"Of course, if one knew who had them to sell," retorted Peter. "I know," said I; "Mrs. Amzi Peters, up on the hill over Taunton, has got some." "Who told you about Mrs. Peters's turkeys, Cousin Sam?" said Peggy, wondering. "Melindy," said I, quite innocently. Peter whistled, Peggy laughed, Kate darted a keen glance at me under her long lashes.