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A definite medical school was established at Alexandria and others perhaps at Pergamon and elsewhere. Athens, after the death of Aristotle and his pupils, passes entirely into the background and is of no importance so far as medicine is concerned.

There was no reason for delay, since the kingdom of Pergamon had technically become a province with the death of Attalus the Third. The Ephesians indeed even antedated this event, and adopted an era which commenced with the September of the year 134, the reason for this anticipation being the usual Asiatic custom of beginning the civil year with the autumnal equinox.

The middle of the crescent held the shrine of Athena, goddess of Pergamon, and beside it the Altar of Zeus the Saviour, gigantic in size, splendid with sculpture, itself the equal of an Acropolis. Lastly, the southern or lower end of the ridge bore a temple of Dionysus and an Agora for Assemblies. Ephesus, refounded by Lysimachus about 281 B.C., might perhaps be another.

In Spain Numantia was inflicting more injury on Roman prestige than on Roman power, while the long and harassing slave-war was devastating Sicily. But these perils were ultimately overcome, and meanwhile circumstances had led to the first extension of provincial rule over the wealthy East. The kingdom of Pergamon had long been the mainstay of Rome's influence in the Orient.

Another state which became famous in the declining days of Greek art was the republic of Rhodes. The Rhodian sculptors learned their anatomy from Lysippos, and caught their dramatic instinct from the artists of Pergamon. Two of the most famous sculpture groups in the world were produced at Rhodes, the Laocoon, now at the Vatican, and the Farnese Bull, now at Naples.